HR Nightmare

Note: This was written at 2am in the morning, because my iPhone wordpress application decided to eat the previous entry I had written about this. It may not be as good, it may be better, who knows…but here goes.

The past few days have had a lot going on for me, so I’ve been trying to get everything done as quickly as possible so I can move on to the next thing, and slowly work my life into semi-normalcy. Well, HR threw me a curveball I was not really expecting. Well, payroll anyway. Continue reading

St. Arnolds Brewery Tour

Took a tour of St. Arnold’s Brewery on Saturday afternoon. Not much of a drinker, but I did try out the Lawnmower beer (why do I keep calling it Grasshopper?) and it was ok. Sat around and took pics (ok, Milly took pics) and then we broke out a long drawn out game of UNO, that of course, never ended. A few people had UNO about 5 times total, but never were able to put away the last card. It was pretty fun, and was basically just a warmup for the Scavenger Hunt later that night.

St Arnolds Brewery Tour