Insomniac Music Theater: Back In Time

So take me away, I don’t mind
But you better promise me, I’ll be back in time

I only write in this thing when I have something going on. Mostly. I only publish when I have something going on. I have my weeks/months where I don’t necessarily feel like anything is wrong, I just want to be to myself except for the few moments where I come up for air. Though lately it’s gotten deeper than it normally does. Despite sticking to home and small events, I generally will tweet or instagram up a storm, but lately I’ve pretty much fallen off the face of the earth, mostly. Tweets, which have at times been in the range of 20+ per day, have averaged out to about 3 per day over the past 3 months, and even that was usually on Sundays or during Rockets games.

Work has contributed to this. I didn’t realize how much I tweeted from my old job until my new job kept me busy enough that I rarely read or write anything during the day. My prime tweeting time these days is… well right about now. Past midnight. Even then, no one is up except during the Super Blood Wolf Moon. That was awesome. And apparently the world is ending, again!

I’ll get back in the swing of things, and actually come out of the house once in a while… although I’m taking that to the extreme next weekend. Going to Shanghai… random, sure. But which of my trips hasn’t been. My brother and I are heading east next Friday, well Saturday technically. We’re pretty stoked, and there will be instagram posts all day every day. I’m 100% guilty of posting only the cool things, then letting my instagram account go dormant for weeks/months. My last pic was… NRG Stadium from the visitor’s coaches booth. And 3 of the last 6 pics are from NRG Stadium. I needed some variety, but I’m not gonna find it around the house.

Work is going well. I think I’m pretty much part of the group now, not the “new guy”, although I don’t think that really stuck around more than a few days as I pretty much came in knowing most of the systems and processes that my new company uses, as we used pretty similar things at my previous job. Everyone I’ve encountered is willing to help or point you in the right direction, and now, less than 3 months in, I’ve been on the other end of the pointing, and it seems people are comfortable coming up to me to ask for help. Too comfortable sometimes, but it’s all good. It’s nice that people take notice when you do your job well, even people you don’t think are looking.

I really don’t know where I was headed with any of this. The song fit the China trip, and getting back to old habits, and a bonus job update thrown in just because. If I don’t see anyone in the next week, I’ll see y’all after the trip. 再见


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