
We should have seen it coming. Everyone else did. We didn’t want it to happen. He was going to lead us back. He already had one billion people on his back, what’s another 4 1/2 million? We all believed Yao was going to instantly make us title contenders. We doubted those who said he’ll just be another Rik Smits. Gheorge Muresan. Every other 7’4″ guy or taller. Eventually, foot problems hit them all. Continue reading

HR Nightmare

Note: This was written at 2am in the morning, because my iPhone wordpress application decided to eat the previous entry I had written about this. It may not be as good, it may be better, who knows…but here goes.

The past few days have had a lot going on for me, so I’ve been trying to get everything done as quickly as possible so I can move on to the next thing, and slowly work my life into semi-normalcy. Well, HR threw me a curveball I was not really expecting. Well, payroll anyway. Continue reading

St. Arnolds Brewery Tour

Took a tour of St. Arnold’s Brewery on Saturday afternoon. Not much of a drinker, but I did try out the Lawnmower beer (why do I keep calling it Grasshopper?) and it was ok. Sat around and took pics (ok, Milly took pics) and then we broke out a long drawn out game of UNO, that of course, never ended. A few people had UNO about 5 times total, but never were able to put away the last card. It was pretty fun, and was basically just a warmup for the Scavenger Hunt later that night.

St Arnolds Brewery Tour